Sunday, December 2, 2007

Seattle got its first taste of snow in the city yesterday.

The first fall of the year always reminds me of Skyla. She's been my best friend since I was 8 years old and we lived three houses down the street from each other until we were 14/15. We never went to school with one another until 9th grade when I FINALLY convinced my parents to let me go to public school with my friends, as opposed to Catholic school where I TOTALLY fit in (that's a story for another time). Anyway, every winter when it would snow, and the school closure reports would come on, Sklya would always see hers first because public school started before private. As soon as that message scrolled across the bottom of the screen she'd get dressed in her green snow suit, march her toosh down to my house and wait to see if my school was out too. It didnt mater if there was an inch or two feet, it was a given that she'd be on my door step in about 5 minutes flat of that first notice. We had a pretty long driveway so there was a good warning time for my mom to tell me that she was headed my direction wanting me to get out of bed and come out and play. My mom still to this day will call me and say "Here comes Skyla!!" when it snows. I'll never get tired of hearing that.

*side note - one shitty thing for her: at the end of every public school year the snow days that were taken off were always added onto the end of the year. Private schools were not were not. My summers, inevitably, were always longer. Heh, sucker.

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