Thursday, August 7, 2008

GAWD shes cute!!!

My sister, Elizabeth, is taking a month long tour around the country to show the baby off. Her first stop was my house!! This past weekend I finally got to meet Atigun and I could not possibly be more excited about having this little girl in my life forever.

I'll spare you from the hundred plus variations of the same five or six pictures and show you just a few of them...

She looks a lot like my sister in this picture...

Meeting of the minds here folks. Jules discovered that when she said "BOOOOOOOBIES" that Atigun would laugh. Go figure.

OOOOOOOR not......

I also raided Elizabeth's laptop and jacked a disk full of pics and out of all of them I fell in love with this one for some reason...

Both E & A will be back at the end of the month before returning to Alaska, so I'll get to spend another day with both of them. Im sure by then the babes will be twice as big as she was just a few days ago. She needs to knock that off.