Every time that I watch Sia perform I fall in love with her all over again. My first experience with the kooky Australian was in a quaint little venue a few years ago with one of my best friends, Tara. Up until then I enjoyed Zero 7’s music but had fairly little knowledge of Sia herself. From the time this little ball of awesomeness walked out on stage to when she was saying her goodnights, she absolutely blew me away. She made a new lifelong friend that night as her voice plucked away note by note on my soul’s strings.
As we exited the venue I bought her CD and although it was completely amazing, I was somewhat disappointed. I was unknowingly being spoiled by hearing her live before ever hearing her solo work via a recording. I must tell you, CDs will ever do her justice. It is quite a feat to say that someone is better live than on an album, but she has yet to fail me in the belief that she is 10x better in person.
Last night was my fifth time being a part of her audience. My girlfriend and I found ourselves a fairly good spot with a clear view, but unfortunately it was amidst drunk fest ’08 and people were being so loud you could barely hear what she was saying between songs… which really is a bummer because she is also quite the entertainer. However,
Breathe Me came on (which is by far my most favorite to hear live) and the entire crowd fell silent. It was perfect. She sang a few more songs and then as she collected her gifts of bamboo, stuffed animals, and cards the crowd had given her, all the while graciously thanking all of them, I couldn’t help but want to jump on stage, fold her up, and put her in my pocket. Maybe next time.
If you have never listened to Sia, pull your head out from under that rock and go YouTube her. Better yet, go buy her albums, check your local venues for upcoming tour dates, and go see her perform. If you don’t like her I will personally reimburse you for your tickets while slapping you for having no musical taste.